Frequently Asked Questions


  • Can I cancel anytime?

    Yes you can cancel anytime, there is no contract unless otherwise signed up with one.
    When you cancel, you will not be charged from the next month onwards. 

  • Can I have separate document numbering sequence in multi store setup

    Yes you can.

    Optopro provides both options for document numbering, you can have same series throughout all stores or have individual serise per each store.

    Same socument series throughout all stores

    1. Navigate to Administration -> System Settings -> Document Prefixes
    2. Specify the Document Prefix for the required module as INV-{0:D6} where INV is a fixed text (as per your need) and {0:D6} is dynamically generated 6 digits number in sequence.

    Unique Document series for each store

    1. Navigate to Administration -> System Settings -> Document Prefixes
    2. Specify the Document Prefix for the required module a INV-{1}-{0:D6} where INV is a fixed text (as per your need) and {0:D6} is dynamically generated 6 digits number in sequence per sote and the {1} is the prefix for the store. The prefix for the store can be defined in Administration -> Company Settings -> Store

  • Can I add Gmail to send out emails

    Yes you can. 

    To setup your Gmail account to send out emails from Optopro, you need to App password in you Google Account. Once you set it up, google will give you an 16 character password. This 16 character password should be used in Optopro along with your Email address to start sending out emails from your Gmail account.

    You can visit the following link to learn more setting App password:
    Sign in with app passwords – Google Account Help and click to set App password.

    Email Server:
    Email Port: 587
    SSL Enable: Yes
    Email Name: YOUR NAME


  • How to reschedule an appointment?

    To reschedule your current appointment, please follow these steps: 

    1. Select the appointment from the calendar
    2. Right-click on it and select "Edit" 
    3. Choose new date and time 
    4. Save

    You have successfully updated your appointment.

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